Model Description: Language

Processing a Sentence

Although the Stanford CoreNLP can deal with several sentences, the system will split the text into simple sentences.

Also will adapt the text for obtain results as the "semantic analyzer" expects.

Take in mind the CoreNLP is quite sensible to syntactic errors.

Actions applied to the input text:

E.g., the sentence "All t4r sales are non-refundable! ; Don't close the door (neither the window)".

  Sentence1= All sales are not refundable

  Sentence2= Do not close the door, neither the window

In essence, this subprocess consist on getting the results obtained from the Standford NLP core, and convert the branches of their constituent tree into internal language, that represents the grammatical relations which populates the memory structures (learning).

Basically, the idea is apply the following rules to every sentence provided in the system:

From the part of speech and the constituent tree obtained from Stanford NLP core



(NP (PRP We))

(VP (VBD fed)

(NP (DT the) (JJ nice) (NN cat)))


Remind constituent trees are tagged with the Penn Treebank

Some graphical examples of grammatical analyzing and their relation with their correspondent internal language code

By design, the parser has some limitations:

This phase receives the language relations (in internal language format) extracted from the previous phase; therefore it processes every internal language code to insert them into the memory structures.

Question Answering

Obviously storing something that can't be retrieved does not make any sense.

The system allows the access to the concepts and their characteristics, using stereotyped questions as:

The symbol "?" is quite important when is input in the command line, is the key for be interpreted as question (
information retrieval) instead of declarative sentence (learning).

Those stereotype questions it can be used with normal names and determinants for a most natural usage.

Which does not prevent to create unnatural questions, as "do cat has an legs?"; but for the system this is valid question (= have cat leg?)

Affirmative questions accepted graph:

() | separated list with the valid options

{} means not mandatory

Note: numbers could be write in word format, but it must be write in a unique "-" separated word, as for example "a-hundred-fifty-six".

      The maximum accepted number is less than a million (999.999).


Group questions accepted graph:

() | separated list with the valid options

{} means not mandatory



Numbered attribute questions accepted graph:

() | separated list with the valid options

{} means not mandatory



Interactions question accepted graph:

() | separated list with the valid options

{} means not mandatory



Interactions affirmative question accepted graph:

() | separated list with the valid options

{} means not mandatory

" " means a word wich lemma is the word between the quotes




1. The model is focused in simple declarative sentences, not in speeches, discussions or any other (large) text context dependent.

2. Stanford NLP core is quite sensible to language errors; therefore syntax errors must be avoided as much as possible.

3. As the verbal time doesn't have importance in the declarative memory, it's only necessary to get the infinite verb: Jumped or jumping → jump

4. Auxiliary or modal verbs doesn't have semantic value, therefore are discarded. Except "to be" and "to have" due to are descriptive ones.

  "The cat should have eaten": as "should" is modal and "have" is an auxiliary in this sentence, then the verb that acts as main verb is "eaten" (cat can eat)

5. At this phase doesn't interpret specific or proper "objects".

  Then personal pronouns and proper nouns will be translated into the concept that represents.

  New York, Barcelona or Japan → location

  We, John → person

  ONU, FBI → organization

  That translations are known as NER (named entity relation) and is provided by Stanford NLP core

  "Jimmy jumps"; Jimmy is a person → person can jump

6. The same sentence can have multiple constituent trees (that are valid different interpretations), but unfortunately how the sentence is formed (or how the Stanford NLP Core provides the tree) would obtain ones or others results.

  In this sentence the system don't detect the "cats has 4 legs" because "four" is outside of the noun phrase of the concept:

  The four legged cats: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (CD four)) (NP (JJ legged) (NNS cats))))

  Instead, these sentences will catch it correctly

  the four legs of cats: (NP (NP (DT the) (CD four) (NNS legs)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS cats)))))

  cats has 4 legs: (S (NP (NNS cats)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (CD 4) (NNS legs))))

7. Questions must be formulated in affirmative way.

   Anyway you can ask can receive negative answers. Instead of asking for "Are cat not big?" → "are cat big?" No

   For groups (object guessing), negative questions are allowed.

Check also the list of the considerations and limitations of the model and application.